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Concert: Jason Kahn+Joe Baiza / Maslo

Thursday May 30 * 8pm * $10 * TICKETS

Jason Kahn is a musician, artist and writer. He was born 1960 in New York and grew up in Los Angeles. He re-located to Europe in 1990 and is currently based in Zürich.

As an electronic musician, vocalist, drummer and guitarist Kahn collaborates regularly with many musicians, both in improvised settings and in the context of graphical scores which he composes for specific groups.

Kahn has exhibited his installations in museums, galleries, art spaces and public sites internationally. These works focus on the idea of space: the conceptual and physical juncture points, its production and dissolution, and our relation to it as a political, social and environmental medium.

Kahn's other activities include sound pieces for radio, film, dance and theater. He has also designed numerous CD, LP and cassette covers. As a writer, his work has appeared in books, magazines and as liner notes to many audio publications.

Performing regularly around the world, Kahn has given concerts throughout Europe, North and South America, Australia, China, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Turkey and South Africa.

In 2011 Kahn started the Editions imprint to publish his own recordings and writings.

Joe Baiza is a punk rock and jazz guitarist whom Eugene Chadbourne cites as one of the most noteworthy guitarists to emerge from the Southern California punk rock milieu. Baiza is a founding member of the bands Saccharine Trust, Universal Congress Of, and The Mecolodiacs. He also performed guest guitar spots on several Minutemen tracks and played alongside Black Flag's Greg Ginn and Chuck Dukowski in the SST all-star jam band October Faction, recording two albums with them. Baiza was also part of the musical side project Nastassya Filippovna which featured Bob Lee (drums), Devin Sarno (bass) and Mike Watt (bass). He substituted for Nels Cline during Mike Watt's European and American tours behind his second solo album, Contemplating the Engine Room, in 1997 and 1998. Also in 1997, he and Cline played (sometimes together) in the band Solo Career with Lee (drums), Richard Derrick (bass), Walter Zooi (trumpet) and Gustavo Aguilar (percussion); other guitarists in that rotating ensemble included Mario Lalli, Woody Aplanalp and Ken Rosser. Currently, he is in the reunited Saccharine Trust as well as the improvisational unit Unknown Instructors with former Minutemen Mike Watt and George Hurley.

Maslo - pronounced mah-slo is the project of Maria Shesiuk. Synth based, theatrical, cinematic, bizarre pop. Haunting, melodic, beautiful and at times frightening. Wobbly with elements of improvisation. Foggy, ghostlike. Maria Shesiuk is a composer and electronic musician deeply involved in the experimental music scene both in Baltimore and Washington, DC. She is the cofounder of the experimental music project “Heterodyne”, which was recently featured in the Washington Post, as well as several other improvisational projects and collectives. Maria was featured in the 2017 Baltimore High Zero Festival. In the past year her focus has shifted to synthesizer music combined with field recordings and masked vocals to create contemplative dreamscapes. Maria’s background is as diverse as her music influences. Maria comes from a family of classically trained musicians. She started out on the same path by playing classical piano as a child in Ukraine in a musical school for the gifted. She also spent many evenings along side her father during rehearsals when he was the chief conductor of Kyrgyz National Opera, and Ballet theatre. Maria had found from an early age that the only way she can effectively communicate her thoughts and emotions was through the process of writing music. Yogic philosophy and meditation are also part of that process. Maria chose to study medicine and is currently a practicing Physician Assistant as well as a yoga teacher. Music, however, remains the driving force in her life. She is an avid outdoor enthusiast and a strong supporter of environmental causes.