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Performances: Lorene Bouboushian / bobb hatt / Rex Delafkaran

Wednesday March 6 * 8pm * $10 * TICKETS

Lorene Bouboushian (NYC)
Genderqueer artist working within dance, experimental music/noise, and performance art. They build a rhizomatic practice through visible forays into performances and workshopping, and less visible forays into curating, writing, dialogue, modes of care and support, and resource sharing. They have shared work in New York City at Dixon Place, JACK, Danspace Project, Issue Project Room, Center for Performance Research, and the Queens Museum. They have held residencies at New York Live Arts (Fresh Tracks) and Chez Bushwick, and currently are in residence at Movement Research.

bobb hatt (Columbus, OH)
Of adult swim sort-of-fame. Saxophone, noise, performance.... Last DC set was so intense the venue tried to pull the plug. Rhizome will not pull the plug.

Rex (Alexandra) Delafkaran (DC)
Iranian-American interdisciplinary artist, dancer and curator from California. Using movement and objects she explores the rich tensions between bodies, intimacy, language and identities.